How we are different

There is no "one size fits all" solution for customer-facing integrations. 
To serve product-led SaaS best, we chose to focus on:

🤖 Seamlessly embedding into your app

We provide unprecedented transparency and control over your customer's integration experience. No sending your users to other apps. No ugly iframes. You can build fully custom UI that perfectly fits your application.

🕛 Fastest Time to Production

It is so fast to build and iterate on integrations that we will implement your first use case right during a 30-minute demo call. Schedule one now.

🔀 Infinitely Flexible

Your product will overgrow other integration platforms, but not ours. We will be a part of your infrastructure for as long as your product exists - this is why we carefully engineered our architecture and the most extensive API on the market to never stand in your way.

Here is how we compare with other types of integration platforms.

vs iPaaS

like Workato, Make, Zapier


User ExperienceGo to external platform and build your integration from scratch.

One-click integration with optional configuration, without leaving the app.

Developer ExperienceNon-existent

API-first platform, UI Libraries, source control, logging and monitoring

With iPaaS, you have to send your customers to the external website. They have to learn how to build integrations, pay for another service, and build all their integrations from scratch.

This may work for people familiar with a given platform, but everyone else wants to enable and configure integrations from the inside of your product - and this is what does.

iPaaS are not built for developers, so you don't have any control over the integration experience of your users, unlike our platform with a full suite of developer-focused features.

vs Embeded iPaaS

like, Paragon, Prismatic
Embeded iPaaS


User ExperienceIframes embedded into your app UI

Native UI that is a part of your app (style-wise and code-wise)

Developer ExperienceDrag-and-drop UI for building integrations one app at a time.

API-first; AI for auto-generating similar integrations

Embedded are just iPaaS repurposed for building native integrations. They were not architected with embedded integrations in mind, so they have multiple drawbacks:

  • When you need to integrate with multiple apps in a similar way, you have to repeat building and testing each use case for each app one by one. This does not scale well.

  • Embedding iframes does not let you build UI that looks and feels like a part of your app.

  • Embedded iPaaS have rudimentary APIs that don't let you control everything you want to control from your application code.

Embedded iPaaS can work well as long as you build simple integrations with small number of apps or have an extensive Support team to keep customizing integrations for each customer, but not in other cases.

vs Unified APIs

like Nango, Merge, Apideck
Unified APIs


User ExperienceDrop-in UI for linking applications. Drop-in or white-label UI for connecting an customizing integrations.
Developer ExperienceSingle API for lowest common denominator of all apps. Build your own Unified API tailored to your integration scenarios.

Unified API is the lowest common denominator of what different applications provide. When you need to do something non-standard (not simple read/write operations), you are back to square one: learning individual app APIs and writing custom integration logic. manages both common and unique capabilities of each application seamlessly.

Besides that, Unified API is just an API. It does not help you build and run complex integration logic, let your customers configure it, or troubleshoot integrations when they fail. provides a full stack of integration APIs and infrastructure that helps you all steps along the way, even for most complex integrations. Check out our documentation for more detail.

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