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LogoGong integration connector

Add white-label customer-facing integration with Gong into your app with just a few lines of code.

Managed authentication

Connect your customer accounts in Gong without researching its API, registering in a developer program, and getting your application approved. We take care of authentication, secure credentials storage, and token refreshes so you don't have to.

Just one line of code for you and one click for your customers:


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Execute Gong operations on behalf of your customers

Get information about available operations in a consistent way: name, description, input, output. Run operations using simple consistent API.

Read more about operations

Add call media (/v2/calls/{id}/media)

Adds a call media, recorded by a telephony system (PBX) or other media recording facility. Gong accepts call recordings in various audio and video file formats, including WAV, MP3, MP4, MKV and FLAC. If uploading a dual-channel (stereo) file separated by speaker, make sure to specify which channel correspondsto the company team member (rep) in the parties/mediaChannelId parameter of the Add New Call operation...

Add new call (/v2/calls)

When using this endpoint, either provide a downloadMediaUrl or use the returned callId in a follow-up request to /v2/calls/{id}/media to upload the media file.

When accessed through a Bearer token authorization method, this endpoint requires the scope 'api:calls


Post a Digital Interaction (/v2/digital-interaction)

When accessed through a Bearer token authorization method, this endpoint requires the scope 'api:digital-interactions


Create a New Gong Meeting (/v2/meetings)

When accessed through a Bearer token authorization method, this endpoint requires the scope 'api:meetings:user


Give individual users access to calls (/v2/calls/users-access)

Give individual users access to calls.

If a user already has access (perhaps the call was shared with them, or they have access through their permission profiles) the request will have no effect.

When accessed through a Bearer token authorization method, this endpoint requires the scope 'api:call-user-access


Assign a Gong Engage flow to prospects (/v2/flows/prospects/assign)

Assign a Gong Engage flow to a batch of prospects.

Gong Engage requires 'prospectsCrmIds' to fetch the prospects from the CRM, the chosen 'gongFlowId' to assign to the prospect, and an 'assignToEmail' which is the email address of the Gong user for whom the flow tasks will be created...

Work with Gong data collections

Read and write data, get custom fields schema, and react to changes in Gong data.

Read more about working with data collections

ListFind by IDCreateUpdateDelete
Library Foldersâś…âž–âž–âž–âž–

Trigger integrations on Gong events

React to events in the external app. Receive changes in data regardless of whether webhooks are supported or not.

Read more about working with events

Data Record Created

Data Record Updated

Data Record Deleted